Tuesday, September 23, 2008

A quick update

Knitting progress on the christmas presents has halted - I ran out of yarn! I have ordered some more, so hopefully it will arrive in the next couple of days. I'm so close to finishing too!

In the meantime, while i'm waiting for that to arrive, I couldn't wait to have another go at the Coachella, since my LYS finally unpacked their new stock - I went and picked it up yesterday and cast on last night! I'm up to working on the front section, and have seperated for the back. The yarn I'm using was a bit splitty to cast on with, but its ok now. The colour is lighter than what I expected too, but its still really nice. I opted to stick to the 4.5mm needles instead of going up a size for the body - the first few rounds are done in twisted stockinette so it makes a nice tight roll around the collar, but when I started on the body it loosened up quite a bit, so I thought I would leave it. Other people's comments have said that its best to do it a size smaller than you normally would as it stretches quite a bit, so I think it will be ok. Watch this space for photos!

Also - another blog layout update - as well as the new counter, i've added a list of the blogs that I frequent. Go and check them out! There are all kinds in there, but mostly knitting. The list is at the bottom of the panel on the right. Let me know if there are any others that you think are worth a visit :)

Happy knitting!


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